I love your site and am thrilled for you to see it continue to grow!

- Kellie Fitzgerald

Tatianna Stoesz
I always love seeing one of your videos in my subscriptions box. There's always something exciting about knowing a story is going to be good, and with this channel, I know it's not going to be a "lazy" video. I love how the narrators' voices usually match what I think the characters would sound like. I can't help but love these, especially since you can tell the amount of work that's gone into them.

Bard Icus
This channel is something special. I feel as though it could really get huge, like big deal huge, and it's going in that direction more and more. Carrying the torch for quality horror, it's exciting!

This channel is amazing! You deserve more likes and more subscribers! I have watched all the videos - keep the vids coming! Much love and support!

Priscilla Duarte
Absolutely love this channel! Greetings from sunny California!

Nicole Singleton
Your have the best creepypasta stories!

I recommended your channel to some of my friends and they subscribed, too. We are having a lot of fun listening to your creepy stories. You are really good and you deserve more subscribers.

Eduardo Olivas
This is great! This channel should be everywhere!

Anna McDaniel
You guys do a great job at what you do!

WOW! Your stories are amazing, guys, and what I mean by "amazing" is creepy and interesting. Once I start listening to the story, I can't stop listening to it. Great work, guys!

Mike Boyle
This is awesome! Much appreciation to you guys. You make my day better with all your chilling tales!

Allen Featherstone
Great podcast! Keep up the awesome work!

I really appreciate what you are doing and you are doing it really good. Keep it up!

KayMoeBre P.
I just found out about your channel and, might I say, how awesome and creepy your stories are! I really enjoy them!

Lekeisha Files
I've been looking for this. I LOVE scary, creepy, chilling stories. Something about being scared lets you know that you're still alive......for the moment. Love this channel, love the stories. I can't remember the last time I've heard any story that will make me think....well....there were a few. The only downfall is that I seem to be home alone often. I don't worry about that, I have your stories to keep me company.

Son of Man
Great channel with extremely high-quality talent. An audiophile's dream come true. God bless you guys.

Kali Bolton
So glad I found this channel a few days ago!

Alexander Evensen
Awesome channel! I love a good old horror story.

Nick Castrellon
I've been glued to these stories for weeks. I LOVE the YouTube channel. Thank you for the entertainment.

I love your tales. There need to be more! Otis Jiry is great, too! I've listened to all of your stories - all 20 hours or so. Thank you for the stories. They are great!

M.J. Pack (Author)
You guys do great work!

Frances Haypenny
You gentlemen are reviving a lost art, a great art form that stirs the imagination like no other. New generations can experience what it was like to huddle close to the radio and be mesmerized because of all your hard work and loving dedication to the genre. Thank you all so much and I hope this takes off like gangbusters.

Luis Perez
Keep it coming! Great stories!

T.E. Grau (Author)
I love audio books, and love radio dramas from way back. The cinema of the mind is such a powerful place. Your website/channel looks pretty damn cool. Thanks for your interest in my work!

Fox Stone
I just want to take this time to thank you, and everyone involved, for the hard work that's put into sharing these stories with us. Most of us can't imagine the challenges you face doing so.

I love this channel and I listen to it every night.  Good job!

Love your website! I've already recommended it to all my friends. I have yet to read a story (or hear one on video) that didn't make at least one shiver go down my spine. My favorite one of your narrators is Jonathan Jones. Keep up the awesome work!

Annie Detroit
I think this channel is awesome and I encourage everyone I know to subscribe!

Matthew Harrison
I've been listening since 2015. I love your work!

James Chew
Thanks to a friend, I have recently come across your channel, and greatly enjoy the work you are doing! Setting an atmosphere is one of your many talents!

OTTO Is here
Unlike other audio stories, these stories have no boundaries and are quite eerie. The amazing part is these story tellers are from the underground and yet seem much more talented than actors who come from Performing Arts backgrounds. Just shows how little talent exists in our mainstream and how they oppress those who possess real talent out there.

Jesse Heddinger
It's a shame you guys aren't way bigger on YouTube, you deserve it. Best quality stories out there, many originals, great, great voice acting.

Georgia Klein
Man, I get so scared when I listen to these stories. I actually have to listen to these with my friends or my boyfriend, but I can't stop listening to these. They're so amazing and you use amazing narrators. Props to you!

What an awesome channel! I'm so glad I found it! Subbed!

OneEyedNikki 89
We got rid of cable, and I used to read a lot but with seizure meds I'm always blurring my vision. Being able to listen to you means I can still have the stories! It's become a nightly ritual for me!

Joe Didely
Some of the other horror storytellers are good, but I don't think they're even in the same league as the amazing group of people at Chilling Tales for Dark Nights.  

Kimberley Jordan
I love you guys! I love your podcasts and truly enjoy listening to all of the stories. I suffer from depression and PTSD and call it weird but all of your videos actually make me happy and help me feel better. Thank you for everything you do.

Me myself and I
Just what I needed after a long, rough day at two doctor appointments. Bless all your hearts for doing these for us! I thank you so much! I wish I could help you. But I'm paying for leukemia treatment, and those are very expensive! But thank you so much! And have a great night!

The Dirvish
This channel is so underrated!

Landon Cooper
My friends and I love the channel. Thanks for the time and effort put into the videos. We found you just in time for Halloween season!

Your stories are awesome! I've been subscribed to your YouTube channel for months now, and I've got to say that they are amazing...and terrifying.

You are definitely one of the best of the horror storytelling groups around. No matter who does the narration, the stories always come to life . How are you not one of the highest subscribed channels on YouTube? You should definitely have many more subscribers than you do! Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing more videos from you soon!

John Marston
Y'all are the best on YouTube of all time!

Anne Mitra
I loved The Simply Scary Podcast from the start, discovered it about 5 months ago from a link in the Noctrium library. Best of luck for future series!

Addison Schick
I want to thank you guys for your work. I fall asleep listening to your tales of terror nightly and I can no longer fall asleep without them. Thank you once again!

Braien Bags
I binged 6 hrs of your YouTube content at work today after it was plugged on your podcast. The "Simply Scary" playlist was the best!

Mark Minneapolis
These scary stories are amazing. The audio and effects are to die for! Thank you for everything you do!

Felipe Sandoval
This YouTube web channel is awesome! Some of them are definitely scary! This feed reminds me of the Scary Stories for Kids anthologies I used to read as a child.

You guys definitely deserve to be more popular. You've kept me up for many spooky nights so far, and the quality of your production is beyond comprehension. I truly appreciate the time you invest into it, and I shall look forward to new stories. Thanks a million once again.

Natali Villanueva
Your work is amazing! I get chills when you tell stories! They are truly amazing..

Christine Mason
I am a real fan of true professionals. I am soo looking forward to seeing what you have each day. If there isn't a new story, or stories, then I will choose one from your extensive library. Thank you so very much for all that you've created thus far.